For cigar lovers who prioritize performance, efficiency, and speed, S.T. Dupont's' Megajet lighter is a compelling choice.
Its minimalist design, substantial dimensions, and expansive flat shape make it an ideal companion for the discerning cigar aficionado. This lighter flawlessly blends ergonomic considerations with cutting-edge technology, resulting in a substantial 20mm blue flame that enhances the overall experience. The matt series exudes a sense of athleticism, speed, and strength. Megajet is available in Chrome (silver), Black and Red.
Powerful blue flame.
Wide and flat flame of 20mm.
Three air intakes with active charcoal.
Ergonomic size.
Dimensions: 73mm x 16mm x 40mm.
Weight: 93g.
Delivery and Returns
Lighter delivered empty of gas.
Product dispatches within one business day.
One to five days delivery time.
Fifteen days return. The product must be sealed, unopened, and in its original package.